2019 Christmas Gift Giving Program
CrossNet has begun preparation for our annual Christmas Gift Giving Program. Christmas Letters & Wish Lists were sent out to families in the ELANCO School District at the beginning of the school year and we are already receiving many of children’s Wish Lists in the mail!
We would love to partner with you in spreading love & joy again this Christmas season. Whether you are interested in sponsoring a family or hosting Stocking Stuffer/Toy Drive all the information should you need is outlined in the attached documents. Attachment description listed below.
- 2019 Stocking Stuffer Drive Flyer – General – CrossNet can provide the collection bins (limited number of bins)
- Toy Drive Flyer – for 2019 – CrossNet can provide the collection bins (limited number of bins)
Our Christmas Gift Giving Program is a good way for individuals, families, businesses or school groups to get involved in the community over the Christmas season. I hope that one of the above options will work for you!
Other Optional Ways to Be Involved:
- Individual donations of toys & stocking stuffer (gum, toothbrushes, small toys, etc.)
- Donate scotch tape, wrapping paper and other wrapping supplies!
- Donate $25 gift cards donations to places like Walmart, Target, & Amazon
- Volunteers for during Christmas Workshop Week – December 9-13 (contact Lisa for more details)
- Adult volunteers needed the day of our Christmas Gift Giveaway
- Be a Secret Shopper – these are volunteers that a free to do specific last-minute shopping for us. We will supply the gift cards the volunteer would do the shopping.
*Please note: We have made some changes to our program – carefully read over all the attached information for all the details. Please feel free to contact Lisa with any questions or concerns.
And if you are unable to help this year please feel free to forward this information on to a friend or family member.
NOTE: If you are a family in the ELANCO School District and would like to participate in this program please click on the links below for more information.
Thank you for your faithful support and help to offer help & hope!
Merry Christmas!