Fellowship of Christian Athletes Partnership!

This month’s story comes from a partnership with Fellowship of Christian Athletes! We are grateful that FCA is in the ELANCO community and for their impact!
This summer, we had one student who is involved at CrossNet, attend FCA’S summer camp . This young lady went to their week-long camp for basketball! When she returned from camp she shared with CrossNet about her experience. We asked her what she learned about herself and God and she wrote this, “One thing I learned about myself at camp is that our God is a very forgiving Father and that I previously based my relationship with Him off of fear rather than the fact that He will always love and forgive me no matter how many times I mess up. Two major things that stuck out to me at camp were the fact that many people worry about being perfect rather than just taking the time to build a relationship with Christ. Another thing, is that worshiping Christ doesn’t only have to be at designated times such as in church or before every meal but it is as simple as making a shot in a basketball game and remembering that God is the one doing all the work behind the scenes.”
Thank you for partnering with CrossNet and organizations like FCA to see lives impacted!